Jobs Available
You can search for a job in a number of ways:
- Select a sector from the first selection box and leave the keywords blank to show all the jobs in that sector in date order - latest first.
- Refine your search by using keywords in the second input box and the results will be displayed in relevance order.
- You can leave the top selection box to select all and search all job sectors for your keywords, again they will be displayed the most relevant first.
- You can use many keywords to refine your search, leave a space between them.
Work in Spain or Gibraltar. is an experienced recruiter for vacancies in Spain and Gibraltar. Part of a PLC operating globally with a group turnover in excess of €100 million, Ambient is able to offer first class international recruitment solutions with specialist knowledge of it's own local market, Spain & Gibraltar.

La Cala de Mijas
29649 Malaga
Te: 952 587 533