Price Guide for Malaga

The prices below are from January 2006 and are examples from reel establishments or services offered, but can still vary from place to place.

Baguette/ Bread 0.40
Can of Coke in a shop 0.25
Beer in a pub 2.00
Caf in cafeteria 1.00
Lunch (meal of the day) 7.00
Dinner for 2 inc. wine 30.00
1 hour in an internet caf 1.80
Tennis court 1 hour 4.20
15 min. taxi write 5.00
Hairdresser men 10.00
Hairdresser women 18.00
Gym (per month) 35.00
Cinema 5.00
Public bus transport 0.65
Stamps (within Spain) 0.25
Stamps (within EU) 0.48
Stamps (to the US) 0.76
Stamps (the rest of the world) 0.99
Local phone call (5min.) 0.30

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