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Going Out at Night in Tenerife
Places to Drink
Santa Cruz, Tenerife’s capital, is known for its year-round nightlife, which becomes especially heated during carnivals. Some of the city’s most famous discos and pubs in are located in the areas of La Noria, Parque Maritimo Cesar Manrique, Avenida 3 de Mayo, and Avenida Anaga, where most of the night crowd can be found. Here, almost every bar and pub has a terrace where patrons can enjoy music and drinks while taking in the beautiful Canarian night. Zone and Camel Bar are a few of the most popular locales in this area. Another interesting place to visit for dance and drinks is Sat, an enormous disco found in the Parque Maritimo.
The nearby town of La Laguna also has an active night scene that centers in el cuadrilatero, with over 100 bars and pubs geared to suit all types of preferences and budgets. The area can be found between the streets of Elias Serra Rafols, Maria del Cristo Ossuna and Doctor Antonio Gomez. Here prices are a bit cheaper than in Santa Cruz and much more so than in southern Tenerife (the island’s center of tourism). This university town is certainly a focal point for nightlife; the nearly 30,000 college students that study here fill the bars and discos with vitality until the early hours of the morning.
The area of Chumberas (in La Laguna) hosts a number of restaurants and pubs as well as a shopping center and cinema complex. Near the airport, in the area of Guamasa, large discos and luxury restaurants can also be found.
On the southern end of the Island a more tourist-oriented night scene takes place. Streets lined with British pubs, discos that stay open until 6am, and sunny beaches make this area a mecca for foreign party seekers. The Playa de las Americas, southern Tenerife’s focal point for nightlife, has three main points of interest: Starco, Veronicas and The Patch. The first two offer the typical night scene, while The Patch is more family-oriented.