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Going Out at Night in Madrid

In the Capital of Spain you can find any type of restaurants although we can highly recommend trying one of the many different types of Spanish restaurants available.
Restaurants tend to start serving dinner at 20.00 until 23.00/24.00 and especially during weekends we can recommend that you reserve table.

Eating Out
The diverse cultures and nationalities living in and around Madrid have made a great influence in the variety of cuisines served. It is possible to find everything from traditional and native food to international and exquisite cuisines.
Depending on your appetite and taste there are different opportunities, there can be recommended. If you are not very hungry or just want to grab something to eat before going out we recommend the classic Spanish 'tapa' or 'tapeo'. A tapa is a snack (hot and cold, meat or vegetarian), which will be ready in a very short time (Spanish fast food). There are restaurant specialized in tapas but normally you can find a small selection of tapas in any bar in Madrid. An area in Madrid, which is known for its variety in tapa bars is the city center around Sol, Plaza Mayor and Plaza Santa Ana. El Tapeo is another classic Spanish phenomenon and consists of a small tapa, which you don't pay for but receive when consuming a beer or a glass of wine in almost any bar in Madrid.
If you want to go out for a nice dinner in Madrid you can find everything from seafood, Basque cooking, paellas to Chinese and Italian food. For fish lovers we can recommend the restaurant Ribeira do Mio situated in Santa Brigida, which is specialized in seafood and with a good price/quality relation. If you are interested in other types of Spanish food we can recommend the area between Sol and Opera with a great variety of good restaurants (some a bit expensive although). For international food we can suggest the Brazilian restaurant Novillo de Plata (situated in Tellez y Novillo Carioca), which have a nice buffet and with a very good price. To try the Spanish wine we can propose the Bodega La Venencia in Echegaray, which serves wines from all over Spain served directly from the barrel.

Apartments in Madrid

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