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Restaurants in Barcelona
Being a big cosmopolitan city there are plenty of different type of restaurants to choose from in Barcelona. From traditional Spanish food to international restuanrants.
Restaurants usually tend to serve dinner from 20.00 until 23.00 or 24.00 and reservations is needed especially in weekends.
Eating Out
Similar to other cities in Spain, it is common to go out for tapas in Barcelona. These small snacks are often shared in a group and it allows you to try numerous types of the local specialties. Of course, there are all sorts of restaurants to choose from too. For those who are on a tight budget, there is always the men del dia (menu of the day) as an option. This will provide you with a 3-course meal and drink at a good price.
Because of the rich culture and diversity that is present in Barcelona, it is possible to find just about any kind of cuisine; from the local and national favorites, to an assortment of international tastes. Of course, the most common restaurants will be serving Catalan food. The most frequented restaurants are located around the old town, Barrio Gtico and Las Ramblas. But, as this is also the most popular part of the city for other tourists and local citizens alike, places tend to be busy. Sometimes, especially for a finer restaurant, it is recommended to call ahead and reserve a table. In the Eixample part of the city the prices are considerably higher than other regions. In Grcia, which is a bit outside of the city there are several options within a reasonable price range. For more dishes with seafood and fish go near the ports, or the Barceloneta district.
Another great option to experience the great food and restaurants in Barcelona is participating in a Tapa Tour in Barcelona.