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Monuments in Granada
Alhambra & Generalife
Calle Real s/n.
Opening hours: Summer (1/4 - 31/10). Monday - Sunday, 8.30
- 20.00.
Winter (1/11 - 31/3). Monday - Sunday, 8.30 - 18.00.
Alhambra was build by the Nazaris in 1238 as a fortress and
residential area. It was constructed on the hilltop Sierra
Elvira in Granada as a small town with beautiful gardens and
decorations. The Generalife palace was constructed in the
14th century next to Alhambra as resident for the Nazari Monarchs.
The palace is full of incredible Moorish architecture, sculptures
and gardens. Tickets can be purchased in advance in all BSCH banks.
Gran Va 5.
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday, 10.30 - 13.30 and 16.00
- 19.00, Sundays, 16.00 - 19.00.
The construction of the cathedral of Granada was ordered by
the catholic kings in 1503 shortly after conquering the town
from the Moors. The cathedral was designed by the architect
San Juan Evangelista in a mixture between Gothic and Renaissance
styles. The catholic kings were later in 1521 buried in the
royal chapel in the Cathedral.
Royal Chapel
Oficios 3.
Opening hours: Summer (1/4 - 1/10). Monday - Saturday, 10.30
- 13.00 and 16.00 - 19.00, Sundays, 11.00 - 13.00 and 16.00
- 19.00.
Winter (1/11 - 31/3). Monday - Saturday, 10.30 - 13.00 and
15.30 - 18.30. Sundays, 11.00 - 13.00 and 15.30 - 18.30.
The royal chapel is situated on the northern front of the
Cathedral and was build in the same period. Apart from the
great royal chapel with the tombs of the catholic kings the
chapel also hosts a museum with paintings of Van der Weyden
and the crown of Isabel and the sword of Fernando (the catholic
El Bauelo (Arab Baths)
Carrera del Darro 31.
Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 - 14.00.
El Bauelo is an Arab bathhouse from the 11th century and
one of the oldest surviving Arab bathes in Spain.
El Corral del Carbn
Mariana Pineda 12.
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9.00 - 19.00, Saturdays and
Sundays 10.00 - 14.00.
El Corral del Carbn is a Moorish building from the 14th century,
which once suited as a storage and hotel for merchants coming
to Granada. Today the building is hosting the tourist office
of Granada.
Monastery of Cartuje
Monasterio de la Cartuja s/n.
Opening hours: Summer (1/4 - 31/10). Monday - Saturday, 10.00
- 13.00 and 16.00 - 20.00.
Winter (1/11 - 31/3). Monday - Sunday, 10.00 - 13.00 and 15.30
- 18.30.
The construction of the Monastery of Cartuje was started in
1516 but didn't finish until the 19th century. This long period
has influenced in the architectural styles used in the construction.
It is possible to find elements of baroque, gothic and neo
classic styles.
Monastery of San Jeronimo
Rector Lpez Argeta 9.
Opening hours: Summer (1/4 - 31/10). Monday - Saturday, 10.00
- 13.30 and 16.00 - 19.30, Sundays 11.00 - 13.30 and 16.00
- 19.30.
Winter (1/11 - 31/3). Monday - Saturday, 10.00 - 13.30 and
15.00 - 18.30. Sundays 11.00 - 13.30 and 15.00 to 18.30.
The Monastery of San Jeronimo was ordered build by the Catholic
kings in 1496. It was designed by the architect Diego de Siloe
in a Renaissance style and is still today occupied by the Jornonimas
Palace Madraza
Oficios 14.
Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 8.00 to 22.00.
This palace was constructed by the Moorish monarch Yussuf
I in 1349 and was in that period used as university. Today
the palace is used by the University of Granada and the only
remains of the original building is the chapel.
Albacin District
The Albacin neighborhood is one of the most fascinating areas
of Granada with a mixture of original Arab and Christian architecture.
The many small streets and the incredible monuments preserve
some of the original atmosphere of the Moorish Granada. When
entering this area you can find the old gateway 'puerta de
Elvira', which was build by the moors. In Albacin you can
also find the church of Salvador (Plaza de Abad 2), which
was constructed on an ancient mosque and still conserve some
original parts. Another great example of Moorish architecture
in this area is the Palace Dar-Al-Horra (Callejn de las Monjas
s/n) where the mother of King Boabdil had her residence. The
Square Plaza Larga is also worth a visit. This was a market
place build by the Moors and still today it has kept its original