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Open Air Activities in Tenerife

The island of Tenerife offers a great variety of open-air activities. Here is a list of just some of the things on offer:

Piramides de Güímar: Opening Time: Daily 9.30am to 6pm
On the east coast of Tenerife, south of Santa Cruz, stand six mysterious pyramids of which archaeologists have yet to discern the origin. The pyramids were initially thought to be remains of agricultural stone terraces, or random piles of stone cleared from fields by early Spanish settlers. However Thor Heyerdahl, the Norwegian anthropologist who lived in Guimar on Tenerife until his death in 2002, thought differently. His research indicated that the pyramids were constructed on similar principles to those in Mexico, Peru and ancient Mesopotamia. The pyramids are now enclosed in an Ethnographic Park.

Teide National Park; Opening Times: Cable car runs daily from sunrise until 4pm
The Parque Nacional de las Canadas del Teide was declared a protected area in 1954 and offers one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world, including an enormous volcanic crater with a circumference of 30 miles (48km), out of which rises the highest peak in Spain, Mount Teide. In contrast to the coastal regions of Tenerife, winter in the park, which lies at about 6,562ft (2,000m) above sea level, brings snowfall and gale force winds, while in summer temperatures can soar to above 40ºC. A cable car carries visitors to the summit, but many prefer to hike the route to experience the flora and fauna, including rare specimens like the violet of the Teide, the Tajinastes, as well as the many varieties of lizards and birds. To access the crater a permit is required.

Loro Park Puerto de la Cruz: Opening hours 8.30 am – 5pm
Loro parque is home to the worlds most important Parrot collection with over 300 species, an amazing Sea-Lion show, Dolphin Show, Parrot Show, Aquarium with Shark tunnel, Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Tigers, Jaguars, Flamingos, Alligators, Tortoises, Orchid House, Gambian Market, a 'NaturaVision' Cinema and the worlds largest Penguinarium with a reproduction Antarctic climate within which 12 tons of snow falls every day.

Lunar Landscape: Near Mount Teide
Not a trip for the easily winded, but certainly worthwhile for any walking enthusiast. To get there, head towards mount Teide from Los Cristianos. Halfway to Teide you will encounter Spain's highest town 'Vilaflor'. At over 1400 metres above sea level, is a quiet town surrounded by pine trees and almond trees, with an outstanding typical architecture: the parish church and the old Palace of the Lords of this area of Tenerife. About two kilometres beyond the town you turn right at an easily missed sign 'Lomo Blanco'. After a steady half hour drive along this dirt track you will encounter a sign 'Paisaje Lunar' (Lunar Landscape). Park your car and walk the rest of the way for breathtaking lunar esque views.

Diving: Possible all year round.
Tenerife has an abundance of excellent and varied scuba diving. Surrounded by sub tropical waters, with a climate to match, diving is possible all year round. There are plenty of diving schools offering inexpensive lessons for beginners.

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