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Going Out at Night in Granada
If you like going out at night Granada is the perfect place to be. The many students living in Granada makes the atmosphere by night very cheerful and active everyday of the week. Apart from the students there are many tourist visiting Granada all year around. Granada is full of different types of establishments, which make it possible for everybody to find something they like.
Spanish nightlife in general starts very late no matter if you are going out for dinner or for 'fiesta'. Restaurants tend to start serving dinner at 20.00 until 23.00/24.00 and bars normally don't get busy until after 24.00.
Bars and Discos
In Granada you can find all the bars and discotheques you desire. There are everything from traditional Spanish bars, reggae bars, funk bars, jazz bars to gay and techno clubs. The different places to go out at night in Granada are divided by zones.
In the area around the street Pedro Antonio de Alarcn Spanish youngsters starts around 22.00 Thursdays to Saturday with the classic "botellon" (people meet and buy drinks, ice, cups in the nearby shops and then drinks in the square). After 23.00 the bars and during the summer the terreces starts to get busy and carries on until about 6.00 am in the morning.
Plaza Nueva is an area that attracts the more mature public. Here you can find a number bars with live music like jazz, blues or rock. Another area for the more mature public is the Cuervas de Sacramonte were you can find a great number of Flamenco clubs with Flamenco dancing and singing of a very high quality.