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Museums in Sevilla

Archaeological Museum
Plaza de America, s/n.
Phone 954 232 401
Opening hours: Tuesdays 15.00-20.00, Wednesday-Saturday 9.00-20.00, Sundays 9.00-14.00.
The Archaeological Museum is located in a neo-renaissance building. Here you can find an interesting collection of Visigoth, Roman, Moorish and Christian artefacts. Of special importance are the "Carambol-Treasure" dating back from the 650 b.c. and relating to the old Iberian tribe the Tartessos.

Museum of Popular Art and Customs
Plaza de America, s/n.
Phone 954 232 576
Opening hours: Tuesdays 15.00-20.00, Wednesday-Saturday 9.00-20.00, Sundays 9.00-14.00.
This museum is located in a typical Iberian building from 1929 and hosts a collection of ethnographic themes from Andalucia from the 17th to the 20th centuries.

Museum of Fine Arts
Plaza del Museo, 9.
Phone 954 220 790
Opening hours: Tuesdays 15.00-20.00, Wednesday-Saturday 9.00-20.00, Sundays 9.00-14.00.
The Museum of Fine Arts is located in a building from 1839, which originally served as a convent. It hosts one of the most important collections of Spanish paintings from the 15th to the 20th century including works of Murillo, Ribera, El Greco, Zurbarn and Valds Leal.

Cartuja Museum
Virgen de la Consolacin, 4.
Phone 954 272 604
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10.00-14.00 and 17.00-21.00.
The Cartuja (Coach) Museum contains an interesting collection of old horse carriages and is located in a building from the 16th century.

Museum of Contemporary Arts
Santo Toms, 5.
Phone 954 125 830
Opening hours: Tueday-Friday 10.00-20.00, Saturday-Sunday 10.00-14.00.
In the Museum of Contemporary Arts you can find paintings and sculptures of Spanish artist from the 20th century like Barbadillo, Caballero, Cortijo, Gordillo, Gerrero and Mateos.

Cathedral Museum
Plaza de la Virgen de los Reyes, s/n.
Phone 954 214 971
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 11.00-17.00, Sundays 14.30-18.00.
The Cathedral museum is located in the chapel and the sacristy halls of the Cathedral. Here you can you can find religious paintings, sculptures and manuscripts by artists like Goya, Murillo, Pedro de Campaa and Luis de Vargas.

Paseo de Cristbal Colon, 2. (in the bullring La Real Maestranza).
Phone 954 224 577
Opening hours: Monday-Sunday 9.30-14.00 and 15.00-19.00.
The Bullfighting Museum contains general information about the history and origins of bullfighting as well as a part dedicated to legendary figures of bullfighting.

Museum of Navigation "The Golden Tower"
Paseo de Cristbal Colon, s/n.
Phone 954 222 419
Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday 10.00-14.00, Saturday-Sunday 11.00-14.00.
This Museum is located in an Almohade tower built in 1222 and contains maritime objects.

Accommodation in Sevilla

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