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Museums in Malaga

The Picasso Museum
Palacio de Buenavista, San Agustn, 8.
Phone 902 44 33 77
Opening hours: Tuesday -Thursday: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm, Friday - Saturday: 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, Sundays and Holidays: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm (Closed Mondays).
The museum Picasso Mlaga is located in the old quarter of the city, next to the Cathedral of Malaga and Plaza de la Merced the birth place of Picasso. This museum was opened in 2003 in the restored Palacio de Buenavista a beautiful sixteenth-century palace. The museum holds permanent collection of works made by Picasso where a large part has been donated directly by the Picasso family. The price to enter the museum is 6Eur and it can be recommended to buy tickets in advance at

Aquarium of Malaga
C/ Manuel Agustin Heredia, 35.
Phone 952 21 97 61
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10.00-14.30.
The Aquarium of Malaga has all kind of maritime recreations, with a variety of different sea species. It also has a part dedicated to the life at sea where you can find ships, models, and other fishermen tools.

Archaeological Museum
La Alcazaba
C/ Alcazabilla s/n
Phone 952 22 72 30
Opening hours: Monday-Sunday 9.00-20.00.
The Archaeological Museum is located in the castle/ fortress La Alcazaba. It contains important archaeological findings from the Phoenician era to the Moorish epoch. Many of the findings were found under the restoration of La Alcazaba and include Roman sculptures and mosaics, Arab ceramics and other pre-historical findings.

Bullfighting Museum
Plaza de Toros "La Malagueta". Paseo de Reding
Phone 952 22 62 92
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10-13 and 17-20.
In this museum you can find different examples of bull fighting articles as well as information about the history of bull fighting in Malaga and the rest of Spain.

Cathedral Museum
C/ Molina Lario s/n
Phone 952 21 59 17
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10.00-19.00, Saturdays 10.00-18.00.
This museum is located in the old part of the Cathedral and here you can find religious paintings, sculptures and manuscripts.

Diocesal Museum
Plaza del Obispo, 1.
Phone: 952222552
Opening hours: Monday-Sunday 10.00-13.30 and
The Dioxesal Museum is situated just next to the Cathedral and is dedicated exclusively to religious art, including important works of Nio de Guevara, Valds Leal and Pietro Vannuci.

The Museum of Contemporary Art
C/ Alemania, s/n.
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 110.00-14.00 y 17.30-21.30 (Mondays closed).
In this museum you can find more than 400 different examples of mainly Spanish contemporary art from the 19th to 20th century.

Museum of Fine Arts
Palace de la Aduana C/ San Agustin, 6.
Phone 952 21 83 82
Opening hours: Tuesday 15.00-21.00, Wednesday-Saturday 9.00-20.00., Sundays 9.00-15.00,
The Museum of fine Arts is located in the old palace de la Aduana. In the lower plant you can find paintings, sculptures, furniture and ceramics from the Gothic, Renaissance, and the Baroque period (including works made by Ribera and Pedro Mena). The rest of the museum is dedicated to the Contemporary period primary with Malaguean paintings.

Museum of Popular Arts and Customs
Mesn de la Victoria Pasillo de Santa Isabel, 10.
Phone 952 21 71 37
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10.00-13.30 and 16.00-19.00 (or 17.00-20.00 during the summer) Saturday 10.00-13.30.
The Museum of popular Arts and Customs is dedicated to show how the everyday life has changed from the beginning of the 17th century until today. In the Museum it's possible to find clothes from different periods, examples of how they used to cook or prepare wine, the use decorations etc.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso Public Foundation
Pl. de la Merced, 15.
Phone 952 06 02 15
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 10.00-14.00 and 18.00-21.00.
The Pablo Ruiz Picasso Public Foundation is located in the house were the painter was born in 1895. The museum contains drawings and other works made by Picasso as well as videos, photos and other material about Picasso's life and work.

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