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Transport in and around Tenerife
Getting to Tenerife
There are two airports on the island of Tenerife, one on the north side Los Rodeos and the other one on the south of the island, Aeropuerto Reina Sofia. The latter is used by most as it serves the popular tourist destinations. The airport is modern and busy. On Friday, the busiest day of the week a flight lands in Reina Sofia every six minutes!
It is possible to travel to Tenerife by boat via the port of Cadiz on the south coast of mainland Spain. This crossing is expensive and takes nearly two days, so is not practical for most European holiday makers (you also have to get to Cadiz first!).
Travelling in Tenerife
There is so much to see in Tenerife and because it is a relatively small island it is possible to take day trips without having to pay to stay in hotels. The roads are generally in good condition and public transport is clean, cheap and reliable.
Island Drives Guide to Tenerife The Real Tenerife - Island Drives Guide to Tenerife including fiestas, restaurants, images and advice on car hire.
Buses and coaches are used extensively in Tenerife, as in the Canary Islands and Spain. The services are reliable, cheap and air conditioned. Bus services between the Airports and other major resorts are frequent. The national bus services company is TITSA. There is a discount card which can be purchased from all stations and terminals of TITSA and many shops around Tenerife. The Bono-Bus card costs about €12 but saves up to 30% of the cost of transport as well as discounts for entry into Tenerife's museums. The Spanish word for bus is 'autobus' but Canarians have their own word - 'guagua'.
The unique structure and landscape of the Canary islands means that there has never been a rail network on any of them. The government proposed building a light railway in Tenerife some years ago but although completion was estimated by 2005 as yet it has not come to fruition. Don´t hold your breath!
For short distances, especially when you're out for a drink with family or friends, taxis offer good value and are plentiful in all the major tourist areas. Taxis are not the best form of transport for longer distances and they charge by the duration of the journey rather than per kilometre. At peak times, a traffic jam in a taxi can cost a small fortune!
Car hire
Hiring a car gives you more freedom than relying on bus timetables and costly taxi rides. Be prepared however for the traffic and the other drivers! The main cities of Tenerife are linked by motorways which allow drivers to get from one place to another with ease. Make sure you get a car with air conditioning facilities as sitting in traffic is quite common in the Canaries.
Walking and Cycling
There are plenty of opportunities to hire bikes in Tenerife and the mountain range provides a whole host of trails and bike tracks allowing you to enjoy the scenery at your own pace. In the afternoons it is possible to walk and cycle quite comfortably and there is plenty to explore.