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Monuments in Salamanca
The Cathedral
Patio Chico, 2.
The cathedral in Salamanca consists of two cathedrals the old cathedral and the new cathedral. The construction of the old cathedral began in 1140 and took more than a century to conclude. In the beginning of the 15th century it was decided that Salamanca needed a bigger and more splendorous cathedral. This new cathedral was build in the same construction as the old one and was designed by the architects Antn de Egas and Alonso Rodriges. Due to the long period of time it took to finish the cathedral (more than 200 years) there was added other architectural styles to the original Gothic plans such as Renaissance elements.
The University of Salamanca
Patio de Escuelas, 1.
The University of Salamanca was founded by king Alfonso IX in 1218. The building, which today hosts the main part of the University, is from the beginning of the 15th century and was ordered build by Benedicto XIII. It is one of the most outstanding buildings in the Spanish plateresque style. The university was constructed with the classical Villamayor stone and the faade decorated with curios figures of all kinds. Inside the University the main attraction is the huge library with more than 150.000 volumes.
Fonseca College - "The Irishmen"
Fonseca, s/n.
The Fonseca College was build in the 16th century by the famous architects Diego de Silo, Juan de lava and Gil de Hontan. At that time it was one of the four colleges, which formed the University of Salamanca. Due to the many Irish students who once studied in the College it is also known as the Irishman. The Faade of the building is decorated with the statues of San Agustna and San Ildefonso de Toledo.
The Clergy and Pontifical University
Compaa, 5.
The Clergy and Pontifical University was ordered build by Felipe III in the beginning of the 17th century. The construction didn't finish until 1754 and is one of the most important monuments of Baroque style in Spain. Inside the building the study cloister with its giant columns is particularly remarkable.
Plaza Mayor
Plaza Mayor s/n.
Plaza Mayor (main square) was constructed in the 18th century by the architect Alberto Churriguera. Apart from being the heart of the town it is one of the most beautiful squares in Spain build in Baroque style. The building around the square houses the city counsel and inside the square are numerous cafs and restaurants where people can enjoy the atmosphere of Salamanca.
Monastery of San Esteban
Plaza del Concilio de Trento, s/n.
This convent in the Spanish plateresque style was build in the 16th century by Juan de Alava. Inside the convent is decorated with beautiful crucifixes, paintings, reliquaries and you can also find the Bible that Pope Luna gave to San Vicente de Ferrer.
House of Shells
Compaia, s/n.
The house of Shells has its name due to the faade decorated with shells. The building is from the late 15th century and represents different architectural styles such as the late Gothic style, with Renaissance and Mudejar elements.
The Roman Bridge
Puente Romano, s/n.
Of the original roman bridge build in the year 89 there are only 15 arcs left made of rustic granite. This bridge was an import part of the Roman silver route, which ran from Mrida to Astorga.
Anaya Palace
Plaza de Anaya s/n.
The Anaya Palace dates back to the early 15th century and was designed in a classic Spanish neoclassicism style. It was later reconstructed in 1760 because parts of the old building were destroyed. Today the palace hosts the Philosophy and Languages Faculties.
Rodrguez de Figueroa Palace
Calle Concejo s/n.
This palace is from the 16th century and was build by Juan Rodriguez de Figueroa. The facades of the building are decorated with different objects like figures of Adam and Eve. Today the building hosts the casino of Salamanca.
La Salina Palace
Felipe Espino, s/n.
This Renaissance building from the 16th century was ordered build by Rodrigo de Messa a relative to the archbishop of Santiago. The name of the building 'salt palace' is due to its former use as a salt deposit. Since the 19th century the building has been used by the province council of Salamanca.